天津大学刘文广教授团队:升级版的PNAGA水凝胶 - 高强/高刚/高韧性PNASC超分子聚合物水凝胶
2020-01-23  来源:高分子科技


  基于上述考虑,天津大学刘文广教授团队提出了一种力学“增强因子”的概念,通过一种全新的氢键单体NASC(只将已报道的NAGA侧链两个酰胺间的CH2换成NH,使NASC侧链带有一个酰胺键和一个脲基)的设计与合成,成功制备了PNASC超分子聚合物水凝胶。由于侧链强的氢键交联作用,溶胀平衡之后的超分子聚合物水凝胶的拉伸强度可达1.7-4.7 MPa,杨氏模量达48.4-100.3 MPa,断裂应变达341-638%,韧性可达5.66-20.35 MJ m-3,远高于迄今为止报道的超分子聚合物水凝胶 (Fig. 1),该团队对于PNASC水凝胶力学增强机制进行了探索。

Fig. 1. (a): Molecular structures of NAGA, NASC, PNAGA and PNASC. (b): Schematic illustration of reconstruction of hydrogen bonding of amide and urea in PNASC gels when DMSO is replaced with water. (c): Tensile stress-strain curves. (d): Tensile strength, Young’s modulus and yielding strength of PNASC hydrogels with different initial monomer concentrations (n=3). (e, f, g) Photos portraying the high stiffness of the PNASC-25 hydrogels. (e): 79 g of aluminum sheets can be lifted up by a length of hydrogel line (d=0.6 mm) without stretching, and nylon cord is threaded through a hole in a piece of PNASC-25 hydrogel sheet (3 cm × 1.5 cm × 0.2 cm) and lifts a bottle of water weighing 0.9 kg without occurrence of deformation of the hydrogel hole. The hydrogel sheet (3 cm × 2.5 cm × 0.2 cm) was able to bear self-weight (f) and 70 g of aluminum sheets without collapse (g).

  此外,值得注意的是,该单体可以与AAm,CBAA等代表性的单体共聚制备具有一定力学强度且在PBS中保持稳定的超分子聚合物水凝胶。为了探索PNASC基水凝胶的应用,该团队将单体NASC与接双键的肝素共聚,制备P(NASC-co-HepMAm) 共聚水凝胶微管,该水凝胶在37 ℃可以保持高的模量,并且具有良好的生物相容性和血液相容性,肝素的引入提高了其抗凝血性能,使其有望作为临时血管用于野外突发事故导致的血管破裂而引起的肢体缺血的救治,对于紧急情况下的受伤肢体的血液快速恢复具有潜在的应用价值 (Fig. 2)。

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication of P(NASC-co-HepMAm) hydrogel tubes and their application as the TIVS in vivo. (b) Sequential steps in placement of hydrogel tube for TIVS in a rabbit model: (1) The rabbit’s arteria carotis was clamped on both sides by the artery clamp; (2) Defective treatment of blood vessels located between two arterial clips; (3) One end of the trimmed hydrogel tube was inserted into the rabbit’s carotid artery (3-4 mm depth) through the defect; (4, 5) Another end of the hydrogel tube was trimmed and the rabbit carotid artery was amputated; immediately, this end of the trimmed hydrogel tube was inserted into rabbit carotid artery (3-4 mm); (6) The arterial clip was removed to restore the blood flow. (c) (1, 7), (2, 8), (3, 9), and (4, 10) are the photos of blood color change in the PNASC-25 and P(NASC-co-HepMAm)-25-15 hydrogel tubes after being implanted for 0, 1, 2, and 4 h. (5, 11) are the photos of the PNASC-25 and P(NASC-co-HepMAm)-25-15 hydrogel tubes removed from the end of arteria carotis. (6, 12) Stereomicroscopic images of the PNASC-25 and P(NASC-co-HepMAm)-25-15 hydrogel tube luminal surface.





